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ABCA announces new partnership with ProPlayAI

December 1, 2021
ProPlay AI The American Baseball Coaches Association announced today its partnership with ProPlayAl, an innovative new motion analysis company. ProPlayAI will be an exhibitor at the 2022 ABCA Convention and will be unveiling new products and offering deals for Convention attendees at their booth in Chicago.

"We are excited to see the changes ProPlayAl is going to bring to the game," said ABCA Executive Director Craig Keilitz. "Their support has taken our members into a new area of education, bringing biomechanics to coaches everywhere, and we look forward to them showcasing some of their new technology in Chicago.”

ProPlayAl will be introducing their new HitAI product at the 2022 ABCA Convention & Trade Show. HitAl is a module adopted by HitTrax, the wildly popular batting trainer, that uses their patented biomechanics model to help hitters in the same way that PitchAl has revolutionized working with pitchers. Exclusive demonstrations will happen at their booth.

ProPlayAl will also be a featured presenter on the 2022 Expo Theater stage in Chicago. ProPlayAl and their partners will have two separate sessions on stage, highlighting both PitchAl and HitAI, setting up for what will be one of the best lineups in ABCA history.

"We couldn't be more excited to be part of the ABCA mission," said ProPlayAl CEO Reed Hanoun. "As a company, we want to democratize access to biomechanical information for everyone and being able to help coaches at every level is a big part of that. We look forward to working with the ABCA for years to come.”

Stop by the ProPlayAl booth at the Convention to get more information and learn about Convention attendee and member-only deals. ProPlayAl will be offering current ABCA members a 10 percent discount on an annual package for PitchAl. They will also be demonstrating their products throughout the Convention at both the ProPlayAI and HitTrax booths.

About ProPlayAl
ProPlayAl uses a revolutionary system that allows a single camera view to be used to accurately measure biomechanics across a series of motions. Their revolutionary PitchAl system was introduced in 2020 and has helped create the largest database of pitching motion. This system can also be used in other movements and sports. Democratizing access and accelerating research in biomechanics is a core value of the Toronto-based company. You can visit their website at or get in touch at [email protected].

About the ABCA
The ABCA, founded in 1945, is the primary professional organization for baseball coaches at the amateur level. Its over 13,000 members represent all 50 states and 33 countries. Since its initial meeting of 27 college baseball coaches in June 1945, Association membership has broadened to include eight divisions: NCAA Division I, II and III, NAIA, NJCAA, Pacific Association Division, High School and Youth.
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